Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Decide how you have to act Now !!!

If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it.

If you don’t ask,the answer is always no.

If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.

If you don’t have a dream, you’ll never succeed.

If you don’t stretch, you’ll never have it.
What we are today is result of our own past actions.

Whatever we wish to be in future depends on our present actions.

Decide how you have to act now.

We are responsible for what we are, whatever we wish ourselves to be.

We have the power to make ourselves.

Friday, December 14, 2007

You can change your life!!!!

By changing your thinking,
you can change your beliefs.
When you change your belief,
you change your expectations.
When you change your expectations,
you change your attitude.
When you change your attitude,
you change your behavior.
When you change your behavior,
you change your performance.
When you change your performance, you change your life!

Tomorrow will never come

When you keep saying you are busy,
then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time,
then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you have no money,
then you will never have money.
when you keep giving excuses,
then you will never get things done.
When you keep thinking negative,
then you will never have positive mind.
When you keep repeat what you do every day,
then you will never improve your life.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow,
then your tomorrow will never come.

Never Give up

If you want to successful,
you can never, ever quit;
you can never, ever give up.
Sometime you will feel like giving up.
It may seem like impossible to try again,
but that is the most important time,
because it is the time you begin to learn the important information about what you are doing, information you need to succeed.
You have to be patient as well as enthusiastic when it comes to your goals.
Think Big!!! but be realistic.
Don not ever give up,
just keep moving forward,
keep your goals clear,
and don't give in to discouragement or setbacks.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Life as it seems.

Everyone leads a happy life and suddenly something hits you real hard. Like an incurable disease. What will you do? Get a treatment, dwell on it or move on like everything seems to be normal. Nothing seems to be going right at the moment. You wonder,'Geez, why does this have to happen to me?' Then you start wondering will you ever survive this difficult moment.It's a good thing friends come into the picture. The least they could do is be by your side through thick and thin especially if you're alone in a foreign country. Then the next thing, how would you tell you parents? it's kinda hard because you don't want them to get worried. Life is always unpredictable. It does hits you when you don't realise it. Never could anyone imagine the worse that could happen to you. A good friend once said live life to fullest, you'll never know what would happen to you tomorrow. I guess he's right. Life is like a long and never ending journey. It's teaches you a lot of things along the way.And it never fails to surprise you.And whatever you do, just go ahead and do it without regrets. Maybe one fine day when you wake up, you may regret the things that you've failed to do . People always complain about how terrible their life is.But have you ever sit down and think that what's in front of you right now are the things that are ever so precious to you. Not until you lose them all. By human nature people are always greedy.They want more than they could have. Have you ever looked beyond you? There are more unfortunate people in this world.People who are in need.I guess when reality sets in you think only about yourself and no one else.No doubt about that. Well, for the loving people in this world, never regret anything in life no matter what you do. And keep the people who are the closest to you and cherish them. For they will always be there for you when you need them the most.

Experience at the Mall

Sometimes i wonder where have all the courteous people gone to. Are the people these days damn dumb or simply ignorant of the fact that there are other human beings beside themselves. For example, i was out doing my groceries with my buddies. As we were about to leave, we got into the elevator. As you would've already know the elevators in most of the shopping malls are huge. Then there was this lady who would not stand anywhwere else except in front of my shopping trolley. Obviously, the lady was IN my way.Worst of all she wasn't heading to where me and my buddies were going.She was going to another level in the mall. How senseless could this woman be? The elevator was big enough for that woman to roll in. So, i jokingly told my friend that she stank. There are more to it but different person now. So, after the elevator door opened, people start rushing in without giving way to people like us, with heavy/not working that well, shopping trolley, out first. In my mind, was thinking, is this mall going to shut down soon?or maybe they'll miss the elevator and never be able to head to where they're going forever.Please have some patience and be more considerate to those around you.Besides it doesn't cost much time and money.And before i forget the details, the people who were rushing like a herd of hungry cows into the elevator, were not with any shopping bags or trolleys.The point is use the escalator which are built for people like you( the cows). Meaning for those who are not disabled and are not using shopping trolleys.Seriously it's faster and easier. And you don't get in the way. Otherwise, others will deem you as irritating and insensible. Just like the 'lady' i wrote about.Moral of the story, use your head and eyes when walking. It's just like driving. What's the point when you look left and right but not the front. You'll end up being in trouble.Save yourself and others the trouble. So, you wouldn't end up being called a cow.*This story is real but since no name is mentioned.No one in particular was/is insulted.Apologies extended to those who are upset because the people in it are cows...oops called cows.It is not about you but if you think otherwise, you could type your views in your own blog.

Our Society's Behaviour

What is becoming of our generation of people nowadays? They seemed absolutely self- centered and ignorant. Are we as parents and tutors fail to educate ourselves and the children of today basic courtesy? It is very sad to see that people around us do not seem to care or even be bothered to lend a helping hand to those in need. I was reading an article in the newspaper yesterday and someone wrote in that younger and healthy people not giving up seats to those elderly in public transport. This incident happened in the fast growing and educated people in singapore. Perhaps these people are not properly educated in the humane department.We are well civilised but some of these people just act like they were brought up in the jungle 200 b.c ago.Maybe we should blame parents who don't bother to even teach their kids proper manners when behaving in public.That is why when they grow up, they bocome ill-mannered pest. I work in the service line and i see a lot of asians behaving like uncivilised people in public. They are often rude and demanding to an absurd extend. I'm not a racist but it does happen here.Maybe there are a handful of people who are not like that. I am sure. Even i've encountered horrible neighbours in my own apartment and they are locals. I'm shocked that my so-called neighbours don't care to even lend a helping hand.I think if i was i held at gun point they would just leave me to die and they happily go on with their own lives.The very next thing that irritates me the most is that asians think we as asians in the service line tend to discriminate them just because we are nicer to the caucasians.Let me explain this... It is because they know their please and thank you very well and at least they bother to care. Maybe those racist caucasians are rude but i personally don't give a shit about them because they're probably living in Timbuktu.I am an asian and proud to be one but it is very disheartening to see our own people acting like that.Perhaps it is time we all change our concept of being more caring and understanding.Most importantly if we expect others to change, we should first of all teach our own family to be courteous and instill a sense of righteousness within our own community. If we all expect but do nothing about it then we will forever behave that way.

True love

If i would be able to go back in time where i could make things right again, i would change myself for the better. I've been doing some self evaluating these past few months. Back then i've always complained about each and every of my partner especially that someone i had loved dearly. Deciding to let him go because of my super huge ego and the worst thing that could happen in a relationship which is dishonesty and mistrust. I have always tried to pick up petty mistakes that doesn't seem to be a big a deal to anybody. I always look at the negative side until i never seem to take notice of the little things he has done to make me happy. I called him a stingy prick when in fact i'm almost capable of earning my own and able to afford any designer bags. Is money really everything? Not until you loses someone who is closest to you all this while. And had loved you for who you are. Regardless of your flaws,your bad habits, your pmses, that huge pimple you get every once a month. No matter what, he's always by your side. I always tell others that humans are not perfect but i couldn't accept the fact that he is NOT perfect . In my mind i wanted him to be the perfect boyfriend who would sweep me off my feet, go on expensive holidays, receive expensive present etc. I even turned it into a reality until i drove him away. Not to mention my nagging insecurities. I now laugh at my child like behaviour but all alone now. I wish i could ask for forgiveness for the mistakes i had made, the damage i had done to ruin everything that was perfect for a while. It is already too late. He made up his mind to leave. I wish i could tell him now how much i regretted doing the things i had done to hurt him. Telling him that i had made terrible mistakes. It has all been said and done. The fact that he will never know how much i loved him then and now. And he will never know that in my heart, he will always be the one i had always cared for all this while because i had never shared my feelings. Never told him that i cared for him, never told him what were my fears,what i had loved. All because i was too afraid to share my feelings. Too afraid to love. Maybe someday he will come back into my life and start everything once again.This time doing everything that is right. I am just wishing that this day will come. And even though he doesn't, I wish him all the happiness that he will find someday. Because this is what we call love. Love is not to be selfish. Love is to be forgiving.Love is learn to let go and let the person you care for be happy.