功效 很多人都知道黑芝麻益发养颜、补肾益脏腑,如常喝有益健康,保持头发乌亮、柔 软、美丽。
Posted by DAPHNE at 9:42 AM 1 comments
Posted by DAPHNE at 12:46 PM 1 comments
1) The security thread on a real note is embedded in the bill and appears on the reverse side of the note as a silver dotted line. When the note is held up against light, it is seen as a continuous dark line and the repeated text 'BNMRM100' can be read. This feature is missing on the counterfeit note, where the 'security thread' appears as a silver dotted line.
2) No raised Braille feature on the counterfeit note.
3) The holographic design on the LEADA (Long-lasting Economical Anti-copy Device) strip represents the same motif as used in the purple patch as well as the text 'BNMRM100'. The colour of these elements change when the viewing angle is changed. The counterfeit note features just a silver thread with a floral pattern.
4) The portrait of the first King on the right of the real note is raised (Intaglio Print). This effect is missing on the fake note.
5) Watermark portrait of the first King is missing in the counterfeit note. The numeral 100 watermark at the base of the King's watermark is also missing.
Posted by DAPHNE at 12:46 PM 0 comments
According to a Japanese institute that does research on blood types, there are certain personality traits that seem to match up with certain blood types.
You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.
You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.
You're a rugged individualist, who's straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.
Cool and controlled, you're generally well liked and always put people at ease. You're a natural entertainer who's tactful and fair. But you're standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.How do you rate?My bloodtype is A. I like harmony, peace and organization. I work well with others, and sensitive, patient and affectionate.
Posted by DAPHNE at 1:18 AM 1 comments
Take note...don't always sleep late!!
Posted by DAPHNE at 10:26 PM 3 comments
Today i need to fetch my brother take bus at 5.30am at her college. He need to go KL take exam. My grandpa always wake up in the morning. He say wanner follow me go see see. So he go wif us. After fetch my brother to take bus, my grandpa say we go "Yam Ca''. Then i say ok loh. Tat time only 6 in the morning. We go to "FS Restaurance" ( the most famous dim sum shop in ipoh). We arrive the shop at 6am. Woh .. already have many ppl.. Now day not only old ppl will go yam ca.. but i saw many young people.. Wah never thing got many young people so healthly wake up early in the morning.
Posted by DAPHNE at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Tis 2 year i din celebrate Mother's day wif my mom. She had work in oversea. My relationship wif my mom is very good. We just like sister. Althought she is oversea, we alwasy chat thru phone. Almost everyday we call each other. Actually i have a few word wanner tell my mom and i not dare to say out. Mayb i write down here, when she online she can read wat i wanner tell her....
Posted by DAPHNE at 1:02 AM
Last saturday, we had go to sitiwan and lumut because we celebrate Ah yee's birthday. We had 9 ppl go there was me, siew, racheal, cws, ah yee, yy, lam, foong and karen. We start our journey at 7pm. Actually we should start our journey at 6pm, but because CWS late, so the hold trip had delay 1 hour. We arrive sitiawan around 7.45pm and we direct to Kampung Cina eat seafood. Normally we go AH MU de but yy say got another restaurance better, so we go there. the name of the restaurance is "SAN TIN DI''. The food not very good. Cause we feel tat too much oil. We had order Fried oster, Lala, Fish, Prawn, Crab, Taufu, Vege and friend sotong and each of is had a coconut drink.
Tis coconut have many water ooh .. :)Foong is busy tasting his coconut ooh..
They busy eating ....
Tis karen and lam, eating also wanner take photo, but yy.. haiz....
Posted by DAPHNE at 1:09 PM
Starting reading tis book, damn sensible. Give richard templar a chance, he'll surprise u wif wonderful insights. tis rules ain't easy though.
Rules for You
1 Keep it under your hat
2 You’ll get older but not necessarily wiser
3 Accept what is done is done
4 Accept yourself
5 Know what counts and what doesn’t
6 Dedicate your life to something
7 Be flexible in your thinking
8 Take an interest in the outside world
9 Be on the side of the angels, not the beasts
10 Only dead fish swim with the stream
11 Be the last to raise your voice
12 Be your own adviser
13 No fear, no surprise, no hesitation, no doubt
14 I wish I’d done that – and I will
15 Count to ten – or recite ‘Baa baa black sheep’
16 Change what you can change, let go of the rest
17 Aim to be the very best at everything you do – not second best
18 Don’t be afraid to dream
19 Don’t dwell on the past
20 Don’t live in the future
21 Get on with life – it’s whooshing past
22 Dress like today is important
23 Have a belief system
24 Have a little space for yourself each day
25 Have a plan
26 Have a sense of humour
27 Choose how you make your bed
28 Life can be a bit like advertising
29 Get used to stepping outside your comfort zone
30 Learn to ask questions
31 Have dignity
32 It’s OK to feel big emotions
33 Keep the faith
34 You’ll never understand everything
35 Know where true happiness comes from
36 Know when to let go – when to walk away
37 Look after yourself
38 Maintain good manners in all things
39 Prune your stuff frequently
40 Remember to touch base
41 Draw the lines around yourself
42 Shop for quality, not price
43 It’s OK to worry, or to know how not to
44 Stay young
45 Throwing money at a problem doesn’t always work
46 Think for yourself
47 You are not in charge
48 Have something in your life that takes you out of yourself
49 Only the good feel guilty
50 If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all
Partnership Rules
51 Accept the differences, embrace what you have in common
52 Allow your partner the space to be themselves
53 Be nice
54 You want to do what?
55 Be the first to say sorry
56 Go that extra step in trying to please them
57 Always have someone – or something – that is pleased to see you
58 Know when to listen and when to act
59 Have a passion for your life together
60 Make sure your love making is making love
61 Keep talking
62 Respect privacy
63 Check you both have the same shared goals
64 Treat your partner better than your best friend
65 Contentment is a high aim
66 You don’t both have to have the same rules
Family and Friends Rules
67 If you are going to be a friend, be a good friend
68 Never be too busy for loved ones
69 Let your kids mess up for themselves – they don’t need any help from you
70 Have a little respect and forgiveness for your parents
71 Give your kids a break
72 Never lend money unless you are prepared to write it off
73 There are no bad children
74 Be up around people you love
75 Give your kids responsibilities
76 Your children need to fall out with you to leave home
77 Your kid will have friends you don’t like
78 Your role as a child
79 Your role as a parentSocial Rules
80 We’re all closer than you think
81 It doesn’t hurt to forgive
82 It doesn’t hurt to be helpful
83 Take pride in what we do collectively
84 What’s in it for them?
85 Hang out with positive people
86 Be generous with your time and information
87 Get involved
88 Keep the moral high ground
89 Have a plan for your career
90 Learn to see your community as part of a bigger picture
91 Look at the long-term ramifications of what you do for a living
92 Be good at your jobWorld Rules
93 Be aware of the damage you are doing
94 Be for the glory, not the degradation
95 Be part of the solution, not the problem
96 Check what history would say about you
97 Keep your eyes open at all times
98 Not everything can be green
99 Put something back
100 Find a new Rule every day – or occasionally at least
Posted by DAPHNE at 2:54 PM
Wat are treasures? Wat are things most precious to u. Ur goals, ur work, ur ambition or the other side, ur family, ur loved ones, ur moments.
In most case, u plan for ur goals, work and ambition. U schedule backwards for a deadline, schedule (& reschedule) projects, plan for a promotion but yet sumtimes little is made for ur family, loved ones n moments. It's always taken for granted.
Let's start wif smaller things wif same approach (to work) applies to say, moments. U work backwards to create moments, events leading up to the "kodak" moments that u cherish for days, months, years to come.
Seeing her laughing, eyes glowing n radiant, neck bends back a bit, hair swinging against backdrop of soft flickering light gently lit by candlelights with even softer sounds of waves caressing the beaches. Tat's the moment, i remember it well.
The work b4 it was wasn't troublesome but needed special care. I realized the moments aren't just for ur loved one, it's for u as well. Our hearts need filling of moments so it wouldn't feel empty. We're human but act like machine too. Cars need fuel, we need moments.
A thing is apparent. To create moments, it doesn't necessarily needs the guy to do it and do it first. Just my thoughts but NOTE to gurls reading tis. Be soft on the comments later, :P
anyway, now tat i'm free to blog - might as well try to remember moments and how to create them again. :D
Note to self, may need dslr camera to capture moments in high quality pics. Moments taken wif eyes n brain, sumtimes fuzzy.
Posted by DAPHNE at 2:54 PM
There may be days when we get in the morning and things aren't the way we had hoped they would be.That's when we have to tell ourselves that things will get better.
There are times when people disappoint us and let us down. But those are the times when we must remind ourselves to trust our own judgments and opinions, to keep our life focused on believing ourselves.There will be challenges to face and changes to make in our life and it is up to us to accept them.
Constantly keep ourselves headed in the right direction.
It may not be easy at times, but in those times of struggle we will find a stonger sense of who we are.So when the days come that are filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities, remember to believe in ourselves and all we want to our life to be.
Because the challenges and changes will only help us to find the goals that we know are meant to come true for us.
Posted by DAPHNE at 2:54 PM