Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Racheal's Bday 11/07/2008

Last weekend, we had a bday celebration for Racheal. Karen and CK purposely come back from kL to attend tis bday party, bside tat Weoi Shyong also purposely back from KAngar. Tis time we celebrate her bday at Breeze Cafe VIP room. Actually we are planing to go out of ipoh to celebrate but, bcause of the petrol increast so much, so de only celebrate in ipoh only. But we still very fun, cause all Fan Shu member had attend.

We taken wif Racheal ...

Suppost all leng lui geh.. dono y tat yu meng here ....

All leng lui of Fan Shu Member....

Lam is planing to sleep, but foong sing song disturbing her sleep...

WS too tired, he sleep at the sofa lior ... me curi curi take de tis picture...

Sleeping still wanner take phone .. haiz...

Ym busy choosing song, we wanner choose song geh, but he dont wanner give us the remote..

Racheal's bday cake .. nice ???

Racheal very happy bcasue she have a bday cake .. wakaka

Omg ... CK get moles from them.. cham ...

Yeah .. all petty gal :)

Wah ... Ah yee is tallest than Ah siew ...

wat happen to YY ... like a monkey leh...

Ah Yee is busy feeding the monkey .. haha

Guess who de leg .. gaga

Me n Siew busy taking photo in the toilet wif my new phone... hehe nice toilet view... haha